About Magazine Hanok

월간한옥 콘텐츠
‹아아라히› ‘Heritage’
‹아아라히›는 ‘멀리, 아득히’라는 뜻의 순 한국어로
오랜 시간 한국적 심상을 만들어 온 정체성을 표현합니다.
‹땅신폭› ‘Place’
‹땅신폭›은 ‘땅의 한끝에서, 다른 한끝까지’를 뜻하는 말로 한 장소의 끝과 끝을 담았습니다.
‹혜어맹글다› ‘Architecture’
‹혜어맹글다›는 ‘헤아려 만들다’의 옛말로 집이 위치하는 환경과 영향력,
집에 사는 사람들을 깊이 헤아려 지어지는 한국의 건축 공간을 담고 있습니다.
‹톺아보기› ‘Search for’
‹톺아보기›는 원래 거친 삼의 끝을 찾아내어
부드럽게 톱질을 하는 것에서 나온 말로 ‘샅샅이 더듬어 보고 살펴보다’라는 뜻입니다.
Contact | 주소 서울시 중구 을지로 114-6 홍원빌딩 307호 | 전화번호 02-741-3576 | 이메일 magazinehanok@naver.com
(주)에이피씨웍스는 한국의 본질을 찾고, 이에 대한 새로운 가치를 전달하기 위해 장인, 건축가, 예술가 , 디자이너와 함께 다양한 한국 전통문화 프로젝트를 진행합니다.
Magazine Hanok
The magazine that newly experiences Korean houses, spaces and cities.
We introduce a variety of topics reflecting Korean identity such as
Korean traditional architecture, cultural heritage, artisans, spaces, art, crafts, and lifestyle.
Contents of Magazine Hanok
‹Aarahi› ‘Heritage’
‘Heritage’ documents our tradition and cultural heritages looking at them with an everyday point of view.
‘Aarahi’ is a pure Korean word meaning ‘far, far off (away).’ It expresses Korean identity that has formed images of Korea for a long time.
‹Ttangsinpok› ‘Place’
‘Place’ conveys the history, changes, culture and people associated with a place with writing, photography and design.
‘Ttangsinpok’ means ‘from one end to the other end of a land.’ Accordingly, this section intends to explore a place from one end to the other end.
‹Heoemaenggalda› ‘Architecture’
‘Architecture’ covers traditional and modern architecture of Korea. ‘Heoemaenggalda’ is an old Korean word meaning 'to make with consideration.
' Accordingly, this section deals with architectural spaces of Korea that are built with deep consideration for the environment and influence where they are located and the people who will be living there.
‹Topabogi› ‘Search for’
‘Search for’ contains stories that ponder about tradition, architecture and history to determine their truth.
The word ‘topabogi’ originated from the practice of finding the rough tip of hemp and scraping it with a saw (‘top’ in Korean) to make it smooth. Thus, the word means to search through thoroughly.
Contact | Adress 307, Hongwon Building, 114-6 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Tel +82 2-741-3576 | E-mail magazinehanok@naver.com
A.P.C conducts various Korean traditional culture projects with artisans, architects, artists, and designers to discover the essentials of Korea and convey new values about them.